SigEp was re-established here at Virginia Tech in the fall of 2015 and was officially recharted in Spring 2019. The Brothers of this chapter exemplify the ideals of Sound Mind, Sound Body, and adhere to the fraternity's Cardinal Principles of Virtue, Diligence, and Brotherly Love.
We as Brothers of SigEp strive for continuous development, and to truly set ourselves apart from negative stereotypes of fraternity culture. With a minimum GPA requirement of 3.00, our chapter and chapters all around the nation constantly strive to achieve the highest GPA among student organizations. Our first semester back (Fall 2015) at Virginia Tech, SigEp lead the way with the highest IFC GPA of 3.3/4.0, and we have held that spot at the top of the IFC for 10 semesters in a row, with a 3.82 member average most recently in Spring 2020.
We have been recognized as the Virginia Tech Fraternity of the Year in both 2019 and 2020, and have received a number of other awards from Virginia Tech and SigEp Headquarters. You can see all our accolades HERE.
To adhere to our pursuit of Sound Mind, we routinely invite speakers from around the university to educate us on a number of topics, including toxic masculinity, nutrition, friendship, academic planning, leadership, and anything else we can find a speaker for! Additionally, our brothers themselves are a wealth of experience, and often share knowledge about fitness, job applications, pop culture, and art.
In order to achieve Balance, we strive to have Sound Body as well. Participation in intramurals like flag football, basketball, soccer, water polo, and softball keep us engaged and competitive. There is still opportunity for individual athletic pursuits too; a number of our brothers are on Club Sports teams, frequently visit the gyms, and our VP Member Development is actually a player on the Varsity Football team!
If you are a young man looking for a life-changing experience, or a campus/community stakeholder interested in working with us, reach out to any of our Executive Officers: Officers and Contact Info; we would love to meet you!