The 2019-20 academic year was a season of celebration! Virginia Kappa celebrated the re-chartering of our chapter with a black-tie gala on November 16, 2019 in Blacksburg. We continued to celebrate our success and new opportunities as SigEp entered our 50th year at Virginia Tech, marking a new 50 years on the horizon with a weekend celebration in April 2021. Come celebrate with us!
You are invited to leave your legacy and support Virginia Kappa into the future by generously donating to the Campaign for the Ages. We are excited about the opportunities for the chapter, and with your support can excel to become the premier student organization at Virginia Tech. Our chapter leadership endowment exists to ensure that undergraduate officers, members and emerging leaders can participate in SigEp continuous leadership development and training opportunities throughout their chapter experience. Undergraduates and volunteers alike remark about the incredible value they received by attending SigEp leadership events. Attendees at these events come back to their chapters not only equipped for leadership, but also with greatly expanded visions of the value of the SigEp Experience. When funded through the generosity of alumni and friends, the Virginia Kappa Leadership Endowment will ensure that critical support and training for the chapter’s undergraduates and volunteers will be available in perpetuity. The goal of the campaign is $110,000, which will endow the following leadership opportunities for the life of the chapter: Grand Chapter Conclave, Carlson Leadership Academy, and the Ruck Leadership Institute.
We are excited to announce the complete endowment of our first program, the Ruck Leadership Institute!
Gifts to a chapter endowment may be paid over a 5 year term and are 100% tax-deductible.
Click here to learn more about the Virginia Kappa Leadership Endowments

- Ruck Leadership Institute: This fully-endowed program is funded through the Ron Clary Memorial Scholarship. We have reached our goal which will allow one brother to attend the Ruck Leadership Institute annually.
- Carlson Leadership Academy: Reaching our goal will allow 7 brothers to attend the Carlson Leadership Academy annually.
- Grand Chapter Conclave: Reaching our goal will allow a delegate, an alternate and a volunteer to attend Grand Chapter Conclave biannually.